Water Block Seal is designed to provide a seal when usen in compression as required by ELEVATE Details.
Surfaces which Water Block Seal is applied shall be free from loose concrete, stone, mortar, foreign materials and other contaminants.
Apply a 10mm bead to the substrate surface. Bring the mating surface of the flashing membrane into contact with the Water Block Seal. Roll or press the flashing membrane firmly against the Water Block Seal and substrate avoiding wrinkles.
Flammable. Keep away from fire and open flames during storage and use. Do not smoke when using. Avoid prolonged contact with skin.Thinning is not allowed, Water Block Seal is not designed to be used as an exposed caulk.
Coverage of approx 3.1lm per cartridge of 10mm bead.
Store in original unopened containers, at temperatures between 15 - 27 degrees until ready for use. When exposed to lower temperatures, restore to room temperature prior to use.
Shelf life of one year can be expected if stored in original containers between 15 - 27 degrees. Shelf life will be shortened if exposed to sustained elevated temperatures.
Product code: WATBLOCK