Special Offer - Replace Flat Roofing Before Winter

11th September 2015

Winter is approaching and now is the best time to tackle the flat roof that you have been putting off all summer! Permaroof has some special offers to help you make the most of the last few weekends of decent weather.


With prices like these, can you afford to wait to get the flat roof project finished?

Traditional flat roof coverings, such as felt, crack and blister during hot weather and can leave your flat roof deck vulnerable as the autumn and winter months take hold. This leads to water ingress, and can result in rotting roofing, leaking roofs and then expensive repairs both outside and inside the property.

Firestone EPDM membranes are far superior in terms of their longevity and ability to sustain the weather. Offering 100% waterproofing, EPDM is the perfect solution for flat roof extensions, garage roofing and even the shed with an expected lifespan of more than 50 years.

View these, and all our current special offers here - hurry while stocks last.

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