PermaRoof Shed Roof Kits Online in Five Sizes

PermaRoof Shed Roof Kits Online in Five Sizes

PermaRoof UK offers five standard sizes of our popular shed roof kit online in your one-stop roofing shop. We include everything you’ll need to get the job done, eliminating the need to quantify and making it fast and easy to choose the right size. 

We’ve picked the five most popular UK shed sizes and can custom-cut an EPDM shed kit to your own specifications (min 8 m2) if you can’t find the size you need. With fast UK delivery on our entire range, now is the time to make the most of the good weather and get your outside jobs completed.

Perfect for DIY

Everything you need to replace outdated shed roofing is included in our standard kits:

  • RubberCover EPDM membrane (standard shed sized plus overhang)
  • Spray bonding adhesive (aerosol tin)
  • Polypins
  • PermaRoof Bond and Seal sealant
  • Lifetime membrane warranty
  • Full application instructions.

Easy to Install Shed Roof Kits | PermaRoof Store

All our shed roof kits include a one-piece RubberCover membrane applied with cold adhesive, making it fast and easy to install and perfect for DIY. We’ll give you full instructions, and you’ll need to do a bit of preparation, but the application process is straightforward for a competent DIYer.

View all our shed roof kits here.

Low maintenance solution

EPDM has an unmatched service life expectancy of more than 50 years and outperforms your traditional go-to shed roofing by far. This is because of its resistance to ozone and the UV damage that felt and other types of shed roofing suffer from. It is a low-to-no maintenance option that is hard to damage and easy to repair.

Using a high quality membrane instead of felt can offer a long-term approach and a chance to delete a previously regular maintenance task for good. 

Easy to buy and install

PermaRoof shed roof kits are available in five standard shed sizes:

  • 6ft x 4 ft (2m x 1.7m)
  • 7ft x 5 ft (2.4m x 2m)
  • 8ft x 6ft (2.7m x 2.3m)
  • 10ft x 6ft (3.3m x 2.3m)
  • 10ft x 8ft (3.4m x 3m)

Before you order, measure your shed if you’re not sure of its standard size. Measure from the outside at the base of the shed. First measure the length, then the width. We include both imperial and metric measurements, so it doesn’t matter which you use. Select the size you need from the dropdown options on the product page here. We’ll do the rest!

Please note that we include additional membrane to allow for the overhang. If you require edge or gutter trims, please refer to our flat roof kits here. If you cannot find the size you need, we can custom-cut EPDM membrane and build a kit to suit your needs up to 60m x 15.24m.

We support your DIY installation with full instructions and a range of resources to guide you through from preparation to completion. Get in touch with us today if you need help with your order or simply want to chat your project through. 

Watch the video: How to install your shed roof kit here.

This is an updated, 2022 version of a previously popular blog post from 2016. Read the original article here.

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